Do you want to own your own anti-aging beauty clinic?
We are looking for passionate women who want to thrive during their next chapter in their life doing what they love; helping others feel good and look younger!
Here's how
1. Complete our qualifying questionnaire
2. Let's get to know each other better
3. Application process
4. Review our disclosure package
5. Time for your Lumisenz experience
6. Sign the purchase agreement and do the happy dance!
We would like to get to know you
better, please take a moment to answer our questions. Click here to complete questionnaire.
Our fearless leader/founder loves to get to know each potential age-defying business owner. She will contact you to personally speak with you, answer and questions you have and offer more detailed information about the business opportunity. She wants to get to know you and find out why you'd be a great owner.
After your successful phone call and all went well we will want to ensure that you are able to support your business venture and so next we will email you the confidential purchasers application.
Upon approval of your application we will require a signed Non-disclosure agreement which will then trigger the email pertaining our confidential financials and another details about the business model and systems.
This is your invitation to come and experience the magic at our flagship clinic. See & feel for yourself the truly undeniably, truly amazing, best facial and body sculpting work-out ever! Learn why our system is a success and our guest keep coming back for more.
The time we have all been waiting for. Signed purchase agreement, your business name is picked, your training dates are selected, your opening date is confirmed...Congratulations on your new business! You are now an age-defying beauty enhancer!